Outbound Connexions

'Outward-Bound’ Learning Methodology (OBL)  is used to simulate and motivate participants. The framework and design of these wilderness programs are such that it creates a series of intense, life like experiences and simulations that engage participants by enabling them to get in touch with their mental and physical capacities, which perhaps have been eroded over the years.

People are stretched in the outdoors. Activities are difficult enough to cause pain and frustration. These are two of our most common blocks. Participants need to learn how to overcome them. Difficult activities teach possibly the greatest of human lessons — humility. And yet, conversely, in learning humility, self-esteem is built up. Participants learn that ‘to rise one must first learn to fall’.

 Outward Bound was conceived by its inspirational founder, Dr.Kurt Hahn, as a short, intense exposure to a series of "life experiences" in order to enhance the psychological fortitude of young merchant navy seamen who were dying at alarming rates in the Atlantic during World War II.  The original Outward Bound programs focused on character development via physical fitness training, outdoor expeditions, skills training, and community service. Outward Bound survived and thrived well beyond its original intention.

Through OBL, what we offer is..

Leadership Development

 Leadership Development program using OBL methodology is one of our most popular programs. As a part of this program we facilitate building synergy within the leadership team which is highly critical for success. We then experientially impart inputs on various concepts such as ownership orientation, risk taking, change management, coaching. We also help organizations do their vision, mission, goals and values identification exercise, using this methodology.

Building effective teams is a necessity to achieve desired results. Problem Solving At any given point, most organizations are facing some challenge or the other largely in the domain of organizational systems related people, processes or technology. We partner with our clients to identify these areas of challenge and work with the teams to resolve them. While doing this we ensure to build the capabilities within the client system to win over these challenges in the future own their own.

Motivation and Engagement

Motivation and engagement for organizations that need to motivate their employees to engage more meaningfully as well as emotionally.